Knee pain

Knee Pain And Osteoarthritis Treatment With PRP Therapy

Many people experience knee pain, which can be brought on by anything from sports accidents to arthritis. If your knee pain keeps coming back, it's time to act.

When the cartilage in your knee joint deteriorates, the bones begin to rub against one another, which leads to osteoarthritis of the knee. The friction causes pain, tightness, and sometimes swelling in your knees. Osteoarthritis of the knee is a relatively common condition. About 46% of people experience it at some point during their lives. The prevalence of osteoarthritis of the knee is higher in females than in males. People usually begin to experience this condition after turning 40. However, additional factors like trauma or heredity could quicken the process.

PRP therapy for knee pain in Kochi - Regencare


1. Knee Pain

Knee pain is the most common symptom of Knee Osteoarthritis. The pain could be sporadic or it could be a constant, mild pain that periodically becomes more intense. When a person does not engage in strenuous physical activity, their pain may lessen to some level, but if they must perform difficult manual labour, their pain may worsen.

  • 2. Swelling
  • The femur, tibia, and occasionally the patella can rub against each other in the knee, causing soreness when the cartilage wears away. Sometimes, this irritation causes the body to produce too much joint fluid, which causes swelling in the knees.

  • 3. Stiffness
  • Joint stiffness is a common indicator of osteoarthritis. Stiffness may be particularly noticeable in the morning or after a prolonged period of inactivity. With light movement, which helps warm up the joints, the stiffness typically goes away after 30 minutes.

  • .4 Warmth and Redness
  • Redness and warmth could appear in the area over the knee. These symptoms might potentially point to an infection, which necessitates urgent medical care. It is advisable to seek emergency medical assistance if you are unsure of the source of knee redness and warmth, especially if it is accompanied by swelling.

  • 5. Reduced Range Of Motion
  • If the knee's range of motion is restricted, it could become less flexible. For instance, it could be difficult to fully bend or straighten a knee with mild to advanced osteoarthritis.

Risk Factors

Numerous varied and unrelated variables, including those mentioned above, can lead to osteoarthritis.

The main factor is age. Osteoarthritis is common among elderly individuals because as we age, the fluid inside our joints dries up. Sports and athletics are another factor. If a participant suffers joint damage over time, especially to the knees, osteoarthritis may eventually develop. The next factor is Obesity. When someone is obese, their heavy body weight puts a lot of strain on their legs, which starts the deterioration of their bones at a young age.

Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy For Knee Pain

Orthogen PRP, also known as platelet rich plasma therapy, is a relatively new but incredibly successful treatment for osteoarthritis in the knees that has emerged in recent years. After using this approach to treat their patients, doctors have observed some truly positive outcomes. PRP is injected into a person, and the dosage is determined by need. This has been observed to significantly lessen knee pain and stiffness and restore mobility of motion. For better use, this is occasionally administered along with other medications or physical therapy. Your blood's natural healing characteristics are typically activated by the plasma, which aids in the process.

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